Wednesday 24 January 2007

A London Snow ! Woooooo hooooo!!!!!!

Being from Michigan and having lived in Chicago & New York... I have missed the white winter. I woke this morning and here was the view out of our window. Jeff is in New York today and I so wish he were here to share this. Maybe the snow will stay for a visit until his return.

Sunday 21 January 2007

Tower of London-day trip

Team Oak Tree shadows at the Tower of London
Saturday day Trip on January 20

Enroute to the Tower

Miniature tower of London

The White Tower

Traitor's Gate

All the Lil Traitors

Jeff in the Ol' Fashioned Castle Loo. Would you believe there was a line to look in this loo? Hard to believe people are stil to this day queing for this loo!!!!

Empty WC

Which way to go? The Toilet or the Bloody Tower. It all sounds so final.

Beefeater is hiding Marnie.. just after she told him she was from America! (notice the glove reaching out from behind the door)

View from the Bloody Tower Walk ...imagine if it were your last view before being beheaded... not such a bad view

Window shot from inside the Tower of London

Chapel inside the Tower of London

Marnie & Beefeater made up after she clarified... she lives in London now.

Monday 15 January 2007

Marrakech, Morocco

Team Oak Tree in Marrakech Morocco January 11-14, 2007. We shopped, we ate, we walked, we drank cafe au lait, we peed (all at a fair price I might add).

Marrakech rooftop view at night
All for the price of Cafe au Lait. A moment of reflection while taking in the view over the Djemaa el Fna (Arabic: جامع الفناء jâmiʻ al-fanâʼ) . so cool, so cool.

Our Room at the 3 Mages Riad. A very cosy Riad and we were taken care of by a woman namd Siada... she spoke no English and we do not speak French, or any native language.... you should have seen us getting directions from her :) Never underestimate the power of body language.

In one word "crazy". they stop you every five feet and pull you in to buy buy buy. Ironically Marnie was better at saying NO than Jeff. I kept saying "Don't make any eye contact". Alas, sweet Jeff. However, Marnie had no problem spending Jeff's mullah once in the shops. (tee-hee).

We went to the Souks and met a vendor Berber man named Said. We both wanted scarves and before we knew it we were being dressed up and having mint tea and being taken to the rooftop for scenic overview of the local Moroccans.

Mint Tea in a Morrocan Shoe x 2
The mint tea was so hot he put it in little pair of Moroccan shoes. What a treat!

Looking out on the commuters

Me & My Shadow
(c) 2007 Photo by Jeff van Eek

Little Boys Having Fun
These little guys were playing right out the door of our Riad. They were messing around and I couldn't resist. I asked if I could take a photo. They quickly jumped into this chummy pose. Not a bad pic for having no clue how to speak their language.

Le Jardin Marjorelle

The beautiful gardens of Marjorelle.

View of the Market at Night

Fruit & Dinner at the Market. We had dinner at booth 60 something... where we were heavily recruited and advised that they had the best food inthe whole market place... we walked around and were basically harrassed to sit just anywhere ... they wanted our money... we were hungry. A cool thing to do only once. As Siad advised... there are no guarentees with the market food. Always a guarentee with the restaurant.

A divine Morrocan Sunset