Sunday 11 February 2007

The Netherlands

Team Oak Tree in the Netherlands
February 8-11

We had to make a trip to the Netherlands to renew my UK family Permit. Mission accomplished! We stayed at a bed and breakfast called Boogaard's B & B

We then took a day trip to see the van Eek family in Goudriaan ( It was an amazing day. Jeff wanted to see the inside of a windmill and cousin Peter pulled over and asked the keeper of one if we could go in and they said yes! It was raining and the blades were spinning really fast. So cool and scary at the same time. It was built in 1898(?)

The fast spinning blades through the window view.

Marnie & Kendra a little tentative to step outside it was wet and rainy and one small move..... off with your head!

Jeff checking out the structure

Then we went to the Kinderdijk ( and saw one of the most breathtaking views of about 25 or more windmills. There was a fog on the horizon and it was glorious.

Cousin Peter, Renza, Kendra & Oom Peter

Jeff, Marnie & Kendra

Archimedes' screw: A machine historically used to transfer water from a low line body of water to a higher level. In this case up and out to the river.

(c) 2007 all windmill & Archimedes' screw photos
by Jeff van Eek

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